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search data中文是什么意思

用"search data"造句"search data"怎么读"search data" in a sentence


  • 搜索数据


  • Demonstrates creating a windows form to search data
  • Search data is retrieved in contiguous subsets of a sorted directory search
  • Walkthrough : creating a form to search data in a windows application
  • As far as known , the most common way for searching data is text - based retrieval
  • When the parameters are changed , the software will search data and calculate parameter again , and create new draw rapidly
  • Some of them is unregular , the appear of some even can not be foresee . based on a lot searching data , i analysed the situation of the intelligent control ' s application in modern electric drive system . and i apply this intelligent control method in real system
  • During my research , the real status of our graduate school ? " institute of vibration engineering of dlut " and users was thought over all the time . for example , the problems of website safety ; the problems of how to choosing mechanical pictures ; the problems of the burst of on - line interaction ; how to build temporary database when searching data ; how to deal with the relation , of " exact search " and " fuzzy search "
  • First , this project realizes the office automation , such as personal business , administration management , project management and public information management . second . there are many desktop systems in our enterprise , such as book management . fee management of using water and power , fee management of printing , personnel management and finance management . on integrating the information of all these parts , we can read and search data from such desktop systems through one web system now . microsoft
用"search data"造句  
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